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Hair TransplantIn Sydney, New South Wales

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Hair LossDoesn't Have to Last Forever

Hair loss is a problem that impacts men and women from all walks of life.

Hair loss is a result of aging, a change in hormones, or even simple genetics. While some people promise miracle cures and treatments, surgical hair transplant in Sydney is one way to regrow your hair and reclaim your youthful look.

What is a Hair Transplant?

At Rizk Plastic Surgery in Sydney hair transplant is a cosmetic surgery technique that aims to enable the body to regrow hair where hair is no longer present.

There are several methods available to achieve this result through surgery, but the most popular is hair transplantation.

Hair transplantation involves moving healthy, functioning hair follicles from one part of your head to the bald areas. The donor site is usually a part of your scalp that is resistant to balding like the back of your head.

While it is most commonly used to treat male pattern baldness, hair transplantation can also be used to restore hair on other parts of the body.

Other processes available are skin grafting, scalp reduction, tissue expansion, and flap surgery. All of these techniques can be used individually or in combination, so Dr Rizk will help you craft a custom plan to achieve the best possible results for you using all the tools available.

Sydney hair transplant feature image of a man with blond hair

Your Hair Restoration Results

Often, several surgery sessions are needed to achieve the most optimal results with several months of healing between sessions. This will be planned with Dr Rizk before the process begins. A fuller, naturally growing head of hair is the result Dr Rizk expects to achieve. The procedure uses your own, loss-resistant hair, your results should last for years to come.

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Am I a Candidate for a Hair Transplant?

Good candidates are men and women who are ready to find possible solutions to their hair loss.

During your initial consultation for hair transplant in Sydney, Dr Rizk will be able to tell if you meet these criteria. You should also be a non-smoker and in good overall health. Heart disease, cancer, and active infections are disqualifying as they can cause complications during surgery and recovery. Dr Rizk advocates the National Law and Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) guidelines that any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks.

Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner. In addition to the physical, it’s important that candidates for hair restoration surgery are in a good state of mind. While our hair has a significant impact on our self-esteem, the procedure can’t fix any issues we have by itself. The results are likely to be disappointing if a patient goes into the surgery with unrealistic expectations, so make sure you discuss with Dr Rizk all of your hopes for the surgery.

Benefits of Hair
Transplant Surgery

While your hair is not the only source of your self-confidence, it is often an important one, so having your hair grow back can help with your appearance and self-esteem. Hair restoration surgery is applicable for people with unwanted hair loss in the following areas:

  • Chest
  • Scalp
  • Eyebrows
  • Eyelashes
  • Face/beard
  • Pubic region
  • Scars left by injuries or prior surgeries

Hair restoration procedures carry numerous benefits, the most obvious of which is a full head of hair. If you’ve lost hair due to a traumatic injury or surgery, restoring your hair can be an important first step in your recovery.

During your consultation with Dr Rizk, inform him about your hair loss concerns so he’s able to personalize your treatment plan for optimal results.

Sydney hair transplant model staring out a car window with the sun shining from the back

Your Hair Transplant Surgery Recovery

On the day of your surgery, you will likely be given a sedative or general anesthetic, so you will be groggy or disoriented following your procedure. You should arrange for a friend or family member to take you home, and you should plan to rest for the first few days. You will likely have to keep your scalp bandaged, and you can expect some pain and discomfort around the treated area for at least a week, depending on the type of harvesting method used.

Dr Rizk will provide you with instructions on how to care for your newly transplanted hair and give you any prescriptions for pain medication or antibiotics you may need. You will probably be advised to avoid strenuous activity for up to two weeks to allow your body to heal. You should take precautions to protect your new hair and skin from the sun as well. Make sure to follow Dr Rizk’s instructions to maximize the healing for best results.

Hair Transplant Surgery Procedure

Your hair restoration procedure will be fully customised to your needs, so the exact process may vary. During your consultations with Dr Rizk, he will discuss all of the options you have and work with you to craft the plan that best suits your needs.

The procedure for hair transplant is described here because it is the most common, but skin grafting, scalp reduction, tissue expansion, and flap surgery have their own processes. Before the transplantation surgery begins, a regional anesthetic will be applied and you will be sedated if necessary. For more extensive procedures, a general anesthetic may be used. The hair of the donor site is trimmed down to allow for easy access, and your hair is washed and an antibiotic ointment is applied.

Once the grafts are prepared, Dr Rizk makes a series of tiny incisions along the bald area replicating the patient’s natural hair pattern, and the grafts are inserted. In the case of strip harvesting, the donor site is sutured closed, leaving a series of linear scars that will be hidden by the hair. Finally, the scalp is washed and covered with a light bandage or gauze.

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What if you could receive hair transplants but without long incision lines or losing large patches of your hair?

If you could still use your existing hair but not have to deal with the extensive, visible recovery? This is a reality with the follicular unit extraction (FUE) hair transplant technique, the most advanced hair transplantation method in the world today.

Hair transplantation is a proven way to regrow hair, and Dr. Rizk now offers this cutting-edge hair transplantation method so his patients can enjoy full, natural hair growth with less downtime.

What is

Follicular unit extraction — often referred to simply as “FUE” — is a method of transplanting hair in tiny clusters. While traditional hair transplantation methods harvest a patch or patches of healthy hair (usually from the back of the head), the FUE technique harvests individual or microscopic groups of hair. These collections of one to four individual, healthy follicles are carefully extracted from the donor area and implanted in the recipient zone.

Dr. Rizk follows a pre-planned grid pattern in the implantation region that is designed to mimic natural hair patterns. Even the incisions at the recipient sites are carefully made and arranged to enhance the natural look. In the end, patients can enjoy the benefits of using their natural hair to replenish thin or balding spots without lengthy recovery times and more obvious indicators of a transplantation procedure.

Sydney hair transplant model looking into the distance

FUE Hair Transplantation vs. the FUT Method

You may be familiar with the more traditional “follicular unit transplantation” and wonder, “how is FUE any different?” Hair “plugs” have been used for years with positive results, so how can “extraction” and “transplantation” make a significant difference? With more traditional methods — clinically known as “follicular unit transplantation” or “FUT” — a strip of skin is removed from the donor area.

The strip is then cut into tiny “plugs” containing less than five individual hair follicles. These clusters are then inserted into the recipient region in a predetermined pattern. In the end, FUT and FUE provide similar final results. The difference, however, is in the donation process. Instead of harvesting a large strip of hair as in the FUT method, FUE collects only the “plugs.” This means no strips of existing hair are cut away, and only select clusters are removed from their natural region.

What are the benefits of FUE HAIR TRANSPLANT?

The benefits of the FUE hair transplantation method are significant. It has all the benefits of the traditional method like:

  • Reconstruction of the frontal hairline
  • Hair restoration for the crown of the head
  • Lowering of a naturally high hairline
  • Covering scalp or facial scarring

FUE can be used on any of the standard hair transplantation areas, including:

  • The scalp
  • Chest
  • Beard or face
  • Eyebrows and eyelashes
  • Pubic hair region

If you’ve been dreaming of a way to replenish hair growth in any of these areas, a FUE hair transplant may be the answer you have been looking for.

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Transplants with the FUE technique are permanent and will last as long as the follicles stay healthy and alive. While hair loss is strongly linked to genetics and age, Dr. Rizk’s safe and effective technique for using the FUE method will preserve the natural life of the transplanted follicles.

The duration of results is controlled by a variety of factors, i.e. genetic predisposition, age, environmental and lifestyle conditions, and your haircare routine. While nothing can currently be done to counteract genetic or age-related factors, your commitment to maintaining healthy hair can make a significant difference in how long you enjoy your replenished hair.

Dr. Rizk will equip you with the most advanced haircare treatments and strategies following your procedure. His advice, techniques, and recommended products will give you the best advantage possible to maintain and sustain your new, youthful hair.

Are there any disadvantages with the FUE HAIR TRANSPLANT?

Because the FUE hair transplant technique requires advanced skills, it tends to be more expensive than traditional hair transplantation methods.

However, Dr. Rizk intends for the experience and skill of himself and his staff to be available to as many patients as possible. So he makes every effort to keep the cost to his patients as low as possible. That said, the precision and time required for the FUE method typically surpass that of the FUT technique, so the expense is generally greater. Also, the FUE technique may not be suitable for large donor zones.

When a greater number of follicles is needed, the FUT method may be more efficacious. During your consultation, Dr. Rizk will carefully examine your condition and help you understand if the FUE method is right for you. His highest priority is providing you with the care that best fits your unique needs. To do this, he will recommend a broad range of available treatments that will be suitable to meet your needs in a way that fits your goals most effectively.

Consult Dr Rizk about hair restoration surgery in Sydney

You may be able to regrow your hair with hair restoration surgery! To find out more, you can schedule a consultation with award-winning Sydney plastic surgeon Dr Joseph Rizk now. To book your appointment, complete the consultation request form on this page, or call us on 1300 707 007, Monday – Friday, 9.00 am – 5.00 pm.

Dr Rizk advocates the National Law and Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) guidelines that any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.

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Sydney Plastic Surgeon Dr. Joseph Rizk My Face my body 2020 Award Winner Logo

Dr Joseph Rizk became Australasia’s plastic surgeon of the year by making sure that each patient is heard, respected, and treated well. His patient-first approach provides you with the accurate medical information you need to make informed decisions about your course of treatment. At the same time, he offers his decades of knowledge and experience to help you along your path.

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